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Abstract Details

2018, Master of Arts, Miami University, French.
How does one overcome the postcolonial trauma through literature? Salim Bachi, Lakhdar Belaid and Farida Belghoul are Algerian and French Algerian authors, and their novels iluminate how francophone northern African literature is struggling with a form of schizophrenia, confronting the authors from northern African ascendency to a constant dilemma: how to reconcile their French and northern African identities without losing their sense of self? On the one end, the process of national identity building ostracizes religious and ethnic minorities within the French Republic. On the other hand, the Muslim family culture collides with the French republican ideal of secularity, repeating the colonial trauma. The novels of Bachi, Belaid and Belghoul are a way of creating dialogue between two communities that have been unable to communicate and understand each other. Not only does it help individuals overcome two traumas – the colonial trauma, and the trauma of integration ; it also creates a platform to reflect upon a profoundly French issue : how to give room to minorities in a highly centralized State.
Mark McKinney, Dr (Advisor)
Jonathan Strauss, Dr (Committee Member)
Anna Klosowska, Dr (Committee Member)

Recommended Citations


  • Brian, A. S. (2018). LA LITTERATURE FRANCO-MAGHREBINE EN RECHERCHE D'UNE IDENTITE FRANCAISE [Master's thesis, Miami University]. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center.

    APA Style (7th edition)

  • Brian, Anne Sophie. LA LITTERATURE FRANCO-MAGHREBINE EN RECHERCHE D'UNE IDENTITE FRANCAISE. 2018. Miami University, Master's thesis. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center,

    MLA Style (8th edition)

  • Brian, Anne Sophie. "LA LITTERATURE FRANCO-MAGHREBINE EN RECHERCHE D'UNE IDENTITE FRANCAISE." Master's thesis, Miami University, 2018.

    Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition)