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Perec ou la Liberté d'un Bohéme Tentative de Lecture en Dyptique de Quelques Livres de Perec

Chibinda, Peter

Abstract Details

2002, PhD, University of Cincinnati, Arts and Sciences : French.
In this era of literary theory explosion, literature has been pushed to frontiers never imagined before. While some critics argue that the push has benefited literature others contend, understandably so, that the trend has opened doors to misinterpretation of certain authors based on out of context reading of their works. Without trying to take side, I would simply submit that Perec is one such author who is often times misrepresented. While I absolutely understand the idea that, a book shares certain affinities with any other produced commodity and that therefore the consumer is at liberty to deal with it the way he or she deems satisfactory, we should not loose sight of the fact that the contextual back drop in which any particular work is produced offers as much an interesting reading as any other. This dissertation looks at four different novels by Perec and tries to anchor them, as the author himself begs the reader to do, in their social, political as well as their cultural background. The strategy adopted in this work consist of reading side by side, like the two sides of an open book or matching pieces of a puzzle, two novels from each of the two most influential literary periods on Perec's writing. The dissertation pays particular attention to the fact that some of the author's books seems to sit at the end of each other's spectrum and tries to construe the relevance of that polarity with regard to the author's work current criticism . The study matches in the first instance Les choses against Un homme qui dort two novels with a social agenda, and in the second phase, it pits La disparition against Les revenentes two novels from the author's oulipian experience. The reading model provided in this work attempts to highlight contextualized understanding of Perec's work and to draw challenging observations that could, may be, pave a way to a new reading and understanding of the four selected books. The most engaging remark postulated in this dissertation is the fact that it is believed that Perec is more of "un auteur engagé" (and not, as portrayed by other critics, a mere ludic autobiographical writer) who failed to articulate his philosophical vision, living them strewn all over his body of work because of his inadequate academic background.
Dr. Sanford Ames (Advisor)
1 p.

Recommended Citations


  • Chibinda, P. (2002). Perec ou la Liberté d'un Bohéme Tentative de Lecture en Dyptique de Quelques Livres de Perec [Doctoral dissertation, University of Cincinnati]. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center.

    APA Style (7th edition)

  • Chibinda, Peter. Perec ou la Liberté d'un Bohéme Tentative de Lecture en Dyptique de Quelques Livres de Perec. 2002. University of Cincinnati, Doctoral dissertation. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center,

    MLA Style (8th edition)

  • Chibinda, Peter. "Perec ou la Liberté d'un Bohéme Tentative de Lecture en Dyptique de Quelques Livres de Perec." Doctoral dissertation, University of Cincinnati, 2002.

    Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition)